5 October 2016, 18:30
Special Lecture
Prof. Dr. Stefan Thurner, Medizinische Universität Wien
Managing Systemic Risk in Financial Multilayer Networks
The lecture takes place at the LMU Center for Advanced Studies.
Registration for the lecture is required. Please register at info@cas.lmu.de
5 – 7 October 2016
International Workshop
What’s new in networks? – Building bridges between computational, mathematical and statistical network analysis
Click here for the program and the abstracts
Registration for the workshop is required. Please register at info@cas.lmu.de
9 March 2016, 16:00 s.t.
Public Lecture
Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes, Universität Konstanz
Network science as the dual of statistics
14 January 2016, 18:15
Tandem Lecture
Prof. Dr. Alexander Borst (MPI Neurobiology, Martinsried)
Dr. Moritz Helmstädter (MPI Brain Research, Frankfurt/Main)
How Do Neuronal Circuits Operate?
Registration for this lecture is required.