QCSSC Lecture Series
Lectures by members of the QCSSC.
All lectures take place at the Department of Mathematics, Theresienstraße 39.
Past lectures
27 January 2017, 11:00 s.t., Room B349
Dr. Stefan Canzar
The day after: Making sense of too many too short biological sequences
24 June 2016, 11:00 s.t., Room B 349
Prof. Dr. Volker Tresp
Learning with Memory Embeddings
8 July 2016, 11:00, Room B 349
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schich, UT Dallas
Art History, Migration, and Quantitative Network Science
18 December 2015, 12:00, Room B 252
Dr. Alex Loebel
The nervous system as a collective of networks of non-linear dynamical systems
26 June 2015, 11:00, Room B 046
Prof. Dr. Thilo Meyer-Brandis
Systemic risk in financial networks
22 May 2015, 11:00, Room B 349
Prof. Dr. Göran Kauermannn
Analysis of social networks – An introduction to Exponential Random Graph Models